The National Chamber Review is a free, quarterly newspaper publication mailed out to over 7,200 chambers of commerce across The United States. Based in Rochester, New York, The National Chamber Review strongly believes in the importance of the local chamber and what it can do for our nation’s communities. The National Chamber Review is a publication operating with the goal of investigating topics pertaining to chambers, informing chambers of the goings on in their industry, connecting chambers to one another through the news, and inspiring chambers of commerce and their directors to make their communities the best they can be.

Featured Articles

Student Loan Debt: This Generation’s Albatross

CARLY MORGAN MANAGING EDITOR Comprehensive discussion of today’s American economy would not be possible without some treatment of college tuition, the federal loans granted to alleviate its soaring cost, and the consequent burden of student debt under which the vast...

“The Largest Mixer” Breathes New Life Into Classic Chamber Event

PATRICK MCCABE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF The chamber has always been a hub; a meeting place for business owners to communicate and network. As a chamber, you want to help your members connect so they can find synergy and grow their business. The mixer event is bread and butter...

The Media Market

NCR Staff The way people feel about media is very complicated. Even just what you mean when you say that word makes a huge difference. When we say “media”, what do we really mean? Is it a group of people? The collective attending press conferences and reporting on the...

After The Storm

BRIAN GROTH STAFF WRITER Hurricanes bring destructive winds and oceans onto land. With them, they take homes, businesses, and lives, and as the waters recede and the winds calm, the communities they ravage are left picking up the pieces, wondering how and if they will...

Am I Middle Class? Financial Literacy in the U.S.

BRIAN VANDENBURGH STAFF WRITER Throughout news reports, advertisements, and political campaigns, we’ve all been told over and over again that the middle class is shrinking. But when your hear the term “middle class,” do you generally know if you belong to it? Do you...

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

PATRICK HARNEY CONTRIBUTING WRITER From the beginning of his campaign, President Trump has had his sights set on modifying existing U.S. law for major banks and the financial sector at large. According to the then President-elect’s transition website, the goal of...

The ROI on Chamber Board Service

BOB HARRIS, CAE CONTRIBUTING WRITER “Leaders are made, they are not born,” said football coach Vince Lombardi. So where does one find a good source for leadership development? Chamber boardrooms are ideal schools for leadership. Most volunteers join a board out of a...

Revise the Board Agenda

BOB HARRIS, CAE CONTRIBUTING WRITER The board meetings were boring. The agendas included a dozen reports and updates that ate up valuable time. Discussions were not innovative, inspiring, nor visionary. Directors whispered, “This is a waste of our time.” It is a...

Chamber Spotlights

Ligonier Valley Chamber of Commerce

Ligonier Valley Chamber of Commerce

Ligonier, Pennsylvania PATRICK MCCABE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF The cozy, tree-lined streets of small town America are at the heart of what a chamber of commerce hopes to accomplish. When you’re trying to draw residents to your events, shoppers to your stores, and get people...

American World Chamber of Commerce

American World Chamber of Commerce

Dallas, Texas CARLY MORGAN MANAGING EDITOR There’s a popular expression among those involved in chamber work that’s used to convey the level of organizational, operational, and structural diversity throughout the chamber industry. You’ve probably heard it before: “If...

Our Staff

Patrick McCabe


Carly Morgan

Managing Editor

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